Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Demented Gnome: "You're on Your Own!"

Right-wing kook Ron Paul has come out against federal aid for the victims of the Indiana tornados. Paul's usual mantra of "let local authorities deal with the problem" rings false when you look at the wide swath of destruction that these storms caused. It's hard to use local resources when there's no locale. Of course, this isn't the first time Ron Paul has revealed his complete idiocy about federal disaster relief.

Regarding Ron Paul, I just don't trust an old, white Southern male who talks about states' rights. White southern males of a certain stripe were the ones who proved that they couldn't be trusted with states' rights. The issue was settled in the 1860's and had to be addressed again in the 1960's- as the FBI puts it on their website:

The FBI investigated what are now called hate crimes as far back as World War I. Our role increased following the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Before then, the federal government took the position that protection of civil rights was a local function, not a federal one. However, the murders of civil rights workers Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman, and James Chaney, near Philadelphia, Mississippi, in June 1964 provided the impetus for a visible and sustained federal effort to protect and foster civil rights for African Americans. MIBURN, as the case was called (it stood for Mississippi Burning), became the largest federal investigation ever conducted in Mississippi. On October 20, 1967, seven men were convicted of conspiring to violate the constitutional rights of the slain civil rights workers. All seven were sentenced to prison terms ranging from three to ten years.

Ron Paul strikes me more as a Neo-Confederate than a "principled" Libertarian (if there is such a thing). His stance on the 1964 Civil Rights Act was naive and ridiculous, his stance on women's rights is just as barbaric as Rick Santorum's and Rush Limbaugh's are.

Sorry, Paulbots, the guy is worse than a dud, he's a reactionary Confederate creep, and the white power folks seem to agree with my assessment.

As far as Ron Paul's assessment of FEMA goes, he's partially right, but he's only right because his party did it's damnedest to destroy the agency.

Oddly enough, as a resident of New York State, I send more of my tax dollars to Alabama and Mississippi than I do to my own damn state. From a purely financial standpoint, I should applaud Ron Paul's stance on the federal government... but I'm not a goddamn sociopath. I don't want to see people in the Heartland suffering, even though they are suffering from storms exacerbated by a problem their elected representatives won't even acknowledge, much less fight. Again, it's because I'm not a goddamn sociopath.

I sure hope that the stupid Ron Paul supporters wake up to the fact that the guy is a kook who couldn't be trusted to work as a local dogcatcher. Barring that, it sure would be fun to have a buttload of butthurt Paulbots stop to whine that I'm being mean to their idol.


  1. Opposing our wars for corporate profits is the only issue on which Ron Paul holds the right (as in correct) position, imho.

    This is not enough for me to support him, because the items you mention add up to an overwhelming "not even going to consider going there".

    But this does not make me feel any better about President Obama's drone strikes and other abuses in the name of national security and our so-called "war on terror".

  2. Millenium fever. 9/11. Black president. It all runs together in their fevered brains. Poor li'l fellers--- I hope the FBI gets them before they get anyone else.

  3. There's an interesting convo going on about libertarianism over at Crooked Timber I've been spying on...

  4. ITTY, I think he's also for the legalization/decriminalization of mj which I can get behind.

  5. it sure would be fun to have a buttload of butthurt Paulbots stop to whine that I'm being mean to their idol.

    He's my BOYFRIEND you bastard you!!! Eff you Bastardo.. eff you!!!!!!

    I don't know what it is that I love about him... perhaps it's his pasty, wrinkly skin.. his fake smile.. his dull, Satan like eyes....
    He just gives me shivers. :)


  6. Opposing our wars for corporate profits is the only issue on which Ron Paul holds the right (as in correct) position, imho.

    Stopped clock, old chum!

    Millenium fever. 9/11. Black president. It all runs together in their fevered brains. Poor li'l fellers--- I hope the FBI gets them before they get anyone else.

    Yeah, it's like the Clinton era white freakout all over again.

    There's an interesting convo going on about libertarianism over at Crooked Timber I've been spying on...

    How voyeuristic...

    ITTY, I think he's also for the legalization/decriminalization of mj which I can get behind.

    Yeah, stopped clock indeed!

    I don't know what it is that I love about him... perhaps it's his pasty, wrinkly skin.. his fake smile.. his dull, Satan like eyes...

    When you saw Leprechaun, didn't anyone tell you it was not a love story?


  7. ITTY, I think he's also for the legalization/decriminalization of mj which I can get behind.

    I think when you look at his ideas in detail, it is much less so. He wants all of it to be decided by the states, but he is also fond of militaristic solutions at the local level, so I would guess it is merely a passing of the buck to the local stormtroopers to stomp the heads of heads.

    I don't think he has come out, in so many words, in favor of decriminalization, feel free to point me somewhere if I am wrong. I think he just prefers the hippie-bashing to be locally originated. If he EVER came out against the federal crackdowns on medicinal providers in California, I missed it.

