Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Getting His Ash Handed to Him?

This is going to be a bad week for Mitt Romney, I can feel it... First of all, Billy Graham's even more awful son hinted that Mitt Romney is not a Christian. Then there is Mitt's decision to agree to a debate held on Ash Wednesday evening. Damn, Mitt, there's a serious bonehead move- just think of the optics... we'll have ashless Mormon Mitt flanked by two Roman Catholic Pharisees sporting crosses on their foreheads (on Sunday, I asked readers to predict which of them would be sporting a bigger cross).

This sort of thing should have occurred to Mitt's team as they were coordinating the campaign. In an primary election in which turnout is extremely low, fighting for political survival against a "more holy than the Pope" candidate, this lack of an outward sign of piety is probably going to hurt Mittens, especially in the wake of his Arizona campaign chair resigning because of his big gay scandal.

For the record, I composed this post on Tuesday night, as I will be


  1. As you will be..... ??????? Where?
    Jesus! I hate mysteries???

    My oldest sister and her family are Mormon's and I know that the only thing Morman's hate worse than being poor is the Catholic Church.
    Mitt doesn't give two shits about Ash Wednesday.
    Oh crap.. now you've got my blood boiling about Mormanism. Grrrrr... :P

    I'd appreciate an update about your whereabouts. Kind Sir. :)


  2. In case you're wondering what I"m going on about regarding your whereabouts.. look at your final sentence. :)

  3. I wish Moremen cared about catlick rituals.

  4. I admit I'm almost eager to watch them out-asshole each other now. I mean, sure, Mittens is awful, but Newt and Frothbutt are monstrous.

  5. ...and if mittens lose the Lint-in's?

  6. Something really exciting happened to me. I was standing, topless in my bedroom when suddenly

  7. gack! i know...where is he and what is he doing?!?!?!?

  8. when suddenly
    gets the feeling
    that he's being surrounded by

  9. "he wouldn't write out 'aaarrrrggghhh, he'd just say it."
