Monday, February 27, 2012

Could This Possibly be Peak Wingnut?

So, the land-locked state of Wyoming had considered obtaining an aircraft carrier in case the U.S. suddenly turned into something out of a "Mad Max" movie.

Humungous-R Wyoming:

This, gentle reader, should put the final nail in the coffin of the long-disproven assertion that the GOP is the party of "fiscal responsibility". The Wyoming Republicans are a bunch of rather stupid grammar school kids fantasizing about being the stars of an incredibly cheesy action movie. Could this possibly be the, heretofore considered legendary peak wingnut? I mean, what the hell could they do to top this? Could Wyoming Republicans decide to nuke the Devil's Tower because it's Satan's (now, let's not confuse "Satan Santorum" with Sanctum Sanctorum toehold on 'Murka? It's hard for me to believe that the right-wingers will top this one, but I am not reassured by the famous quote attributed to Einstein:

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

Damn, if there's no "peak wingnut", why can't we find a way to power our cars with "wingnut"?


  1. I laughed and laughed and laughed.

    Really though, you can't rely on some liberal mapmaker to tell you where Wyoming meets the ocean, you have to go look.

    Kermit Brown's mistake was not looking.

  2. An amendment by GOP state Rep. Kermit Brown*, calls on the task force to examine "Conditions under which the state of Wyoming should implement a draft, raise a standing army, marine corps, navy and air force and acquire strike aircraft and an aircraft carrier." As the bill's GOP sponsor, state Rep. David Miller, explained to the Casper Star-Tribune, "Things happen quickly sometimes."

    He asked for more than just an air craft carrier. He asked that Wyoming have it's own military--- all four branches.

    Unfortunately, there may be no peak wingnut anymore than there is a "peak schizophrenia";but perhaps it will be marginalized again in due time.

  3. I thought it was an Onion piss-take.

  4. Also, I think that Mr. Bastard is underestimating the limits of wingnut enthoooosiasms.

  5. Damn, if there's no "peak wingnut", why can't we find a way to power our cars with "wingnut"?

    The yield's are too low; the blender's not big enough to liquefy enough of them at once.

  6. Okay so ... now I feel really stupid, standing here beside my tank that I just bought.

    Just in case... ya know? :)


  7. I laughed and laughed and laughed.

    You won't be laughing when Wyoming sends its navy to attack Vancouver- ever watch Fitzcarraldo, Mr Smarty Pants?

    Oh, Arizona will top this.

    "We're filling in the Grand Canyon, because it's the Devil's plot to trick people into believing the earth is billions of
    years old!"

    He asked for more than just an air craft carrier. He asked that Wyoming have it's own military--- all four branches.

    Yeah, but the aircraft carrier for the land-locked state is what elevates it from run-of-the-mill craziness to sheer, utter whackaloonery.

    I thought it was an Onion piss-take.

    We're living in the post-satire age, the poor folks at The Onion can't top the real world anymore.

    Also, I think that Mr. Bastard is underestimating the limits of wingnut enthoooosiasms.

    It's not even that, I just can't conceive of anything crazier... a Wyoming aircraft carrier is even nuttier than Newt's moon base.

    Oh, you poor, naive BASTARD!! There is no such thing as Peak Wingnut! It's not a thing!

    I shudder to think of how they'll top this one!

    The yields are too low; the blender's not big enough to liquefy enough of them at once.

    The lipid content is high, though... enough to run a fleet of greasecars.

    Okay so ... now I feel really stupid, standing here beside my tank that I just bought.

    You do live on land, though- you can actually drive the tank around... you're not stupid, just a little overcautious.
