Monday, December 12, 2011

The Conservative Stool

I hadn't seen this unintentionally hilarious coinage until I poked around the t00bz looking for an account of Robot Romney hiring being endorsed by attack poodle Ann Coulter and found a bunch of flip-floppery about Romney. This 2008 quote from Rush Limbaugh is very amusing to me:

"there probably is a candidate on our side who does embody all three legs of the conservative stool, and that's Romney. The three stools or the three legs of the stool are national security/foreign policy, the social conservatives, and the fiscal conservatives."

Now Rush doesn't even consider Mitt a conservative. Of course, if one is looking for a candidate who embodies the conservative stool, there's always Rick Santorum. Now, that's some serious stool that is poised to sweep through the conservative movement.

Ugh, I clicked through to a conspiracy lunacy site which had an article entitled "Santorum: Gingrich not a good leader" (not gonna link to it), and found this unintentionally funny comment:

I wish Santorum had more money and oppertunity to speak to the country as a hole…I believe he is the man for the job…Honest,hard working,careing and intuitive…

Dude, Santorum always speaks to the country as a hole.


  1. You had the oppertunity to be nice and careing and you didn't take it, B^4. LEAVE SANTORUM ALONE!

    W/v is derpre. So now the FRENCH are stealing our derp!

  2. Sometimes when my son is a little constipated, his poo comes out in firm blocks or pellets. I like to call that conservative st--Newt Gingrich.

  3. The less I hear about Movement Conservatism, the happier I am.

  4. I really want to see a video in which Santorum refers to himself as the conservative stool. Anybody in Iowa?

  5. The three stools or the three legs

    If it ain't one it's the other.
