Thursday, November 10, 2011

Secret Science Club Movie Night

Last night, I headed to the beautiful Bell House in the Gowanus section of Brooklyn for a Secret Science Club sponsored presentation of The Illusion of Time an episode of NOVA's The Fabric of the Cosmos. Rather than give a recap, I've linked to NOVA's site, and the video is available there.

Before the film presentation, Munier Salem of the Columbia Astronomy Public Outreach group gave a brief talk on "The Anatomy of the Cosmos". Most of the universe is composed of dark matter and dark energy. Dark matter, which neither emits nor scatters electromagnetic radiation, is thought to be distributed in "webs" which form the "scaffolding" of the universe. "Normal" or baryonic matter (composed of atoms, as opposed to Byronic matter, which alternates between writing poems and engaging in scandalous behavior, and Baryonyx matter, which went extinct during the Cretaceous period) is thought to aggregate in regions where dark matter clumps. Current models indicate that galaxies are surrounded by a spherical aggregation of dark matter likened to a halo.

Mr Salem's talk was very informative, and he gamely fielded questions from the group on a range of subjects in astronomy and physics. I wish him well in his academic endeavors and look forward to the day when Herr Doktor Salem can give a lecture at the Bell House in the near future.


  1. I had myself all set up with my hand in my panties, all ready for the sex-eh? Fabric of the Cosmo's episode ... only to find the video not available at this time.

    Now what am I gonna do? Huh???

    What a bastard you are.



  2. I had myself all set up with my hand in my panties, all ready for the sex-eh? Fabric of the Cosmo's episode ... only to find the video not available at this time.

    Oh, my stars!

    What kind of blog is this!, he pondered.

    It's a family blog, usually an Addams Family blog.

  3. Clearly, I had a bit too much mateus last night.
    I need to remember that I'm even LESS funny when I've been drinking...

    I apoligize.


  4. Laura- most of us condone drunk commenting... even if you don't think it's funny, everyone else does. :)

    Heaven forbid you ever comment during a Kathleen/ZRM cocktail party.

  5. Did anyone ask how current theories of the origin of the universe fit within the context of the universe being only 6,000 years old?

  6. I need to remember that I'm even LESS funny when I've been drinking..

    Less funny, but MOAR SEXXAY!!!

    Laura- most of us condone drunk commenting... even if you don't think it's funny, everyone else does. :)

    Condone it? I whole-heartedly support it. I even liked "Pak Job Ads" guy's drunk commenting.

    Did anyone ask how current theories of the origin of the universe fit within the context of the universe being only 6,000 years old?

    Not while I was standing there, glaring.
