Monday, November 21, 2011

Gonna Be a Busy Week

This week will be pretty nutty- I am working a graveyard shift now (Monday morning) and will be traveling to Brooklyn for a Secret Science Club lecture (this one is really up my alley, so I am looking forward to it). I plan on driving down to Virginia to spend (American) Thanksgiving with my mom, and my sister, her husband, and my two eldest nephews. I plan on leaving the Old Dominion at the crack of dawn on Friday, and driving straight to work. Yeah, it'll be a hell of a week, but family is paramount.

I'll be putting up scheduled posts for the week. I have some quiet hours to do some writing. Unfortunately, my responses to any comments will be sporadic at best, but I'll take some time to respond to posts when things return to a semblance of normality. Now, gotta crank out some posts.


  1. I plan on leaving the Old Dominion at the crack of dawn on Friday, and driving straight to work.

    That is harsh!

  2. What's this I hear about you HAVING A LIFE?!!


    W/v is "fulmuffs"

    Word Verification will be playing the role of Filthbot today.

  3. I agree, this is totally unacceptable. However, since I'm all about family myself.. I'll allow it.
    You do need to stop by my blog before you leave though.. I have a picture of my chesticular area that I need some comments on. :P

    Drive safely and have fun with your Mum, sister and her family. :)


  4. The automated posts will play hell with the Zardoz.

  5. Riddled Automated Postings has the very product for you. Robbie the robot poster
    Heh low, Ah am Bug Bold Bad Buzzcock, the ectual same an nut a robote. Whut aboot those (sport team of your choice).
    Drive safely old chap.

  6. I should have said INEVITABLE Zardoz.

    I mean NOT a Zardoz. Never. Wouldnt think of it, put it out of your mind.

  7. I'm noticing you didn't bother to come and comment on my awesome chest before you left.

    What's the phrase this crowd uses again??

    Oh yes...
    Shan't be back.
    *sticking my tongue out at you*
    P.S. I'll be back

  8. He's probably composing a Morrissey song about it Laura....

  9. He's probably composing a Morrissey song about it Laura.

    Thanks zrm... that makes me feel much better. :)
