Friday, November 25, 2011

The Annual Orgy of Consumption

Black Friday... shit, the very notion of getting up at four in the morning in order to elbow, claw, and shove your way into stores in order to buy a whole lot of cheap, poorly made crap on credit is totally foreign to me. Of course, many stores are now opening on Thanksgiving night this year. Damn, if overeating and lying on the couch watching football aren't sacred anymore, nothing is. I have scorn for the people who would descend upon the stores on Thanksgiving night, but I have nothing but pity for the poor folks working in retail. Damn, as if dealing with the people weren't bad enough, they don't even have time to digest their dinners before being thrown into the grinder.

I'm not into the whole consumerism thing, and I think an "opt out" on Black Friday would send the message to our corporate overlords that we are citizens, not consumers. There's a Say No to Black Friday (and to Rebecca Black's Friday) movement, a movement I heartily endorse. Reject the consumption, because, as the Reverend Mojo Nixon observed, America has turned into a "mondo condo shopping mall hell". While I can't endorse arson as a remedy, I do think that, barring the burning, Mojo was onto something:

I hope to be back from Virginia this afternoon and, with any luck, will catch up with the comments on previous posts and resume my typical posting routine. I shall make posting my post lecture recap a priority.


  1. Yeah, it's kind of gross, isn't it? I can't imagine participating in something like it. I gave up Black Fridays a few years back, when I discovered I don't like...other people. And the idea of clawing and scrambling to get...STUFF...just seems singularly undignified to me.

    It's about Intertubes and small business for me. And, ya know, I'd like to just consume less, period, ya know?

  2. if overeating and lying on the couch watching football aren't sacred anymore, nothing is.


  3. Funny, I just published a post about this myself.
    We don't have Black Friday here in Canada (although they are TRYING VERY HARD to get us to buy into it) but the crowds are starting.
    I like to have everything finished by Dec 1st so that I don't have to deal with big crowds.

    Thank gawd you're coming back! As Nonna says.. "I'm so boring (bored) without you!"

    Hope that you enjoyed your meal yesterday.


  4. Small stores have the stuff I want and it isn't a nightmare to shop there. Hooray for small businesses in the neighbourhood.

  5. Substance McGravitas said...

    See, commies up north!

  6. Allow me to put in a word for arson then!
