Saturday, October 22, 2011

Objectivist Morrissey Didn't Go Galt

Back when I did my bizarre 24 posts in 24 hours postapalooza, I debuted the "character" of Objectivist Morrissey, a Bizarro World Morrissey who was a huge fan of Ayn Rand. Objectivist Morrissey appealed to me so much that I thought he merited his own blog. It's been a while since I've revisited the guy, mainly because real-world Morrissey can be just as horrible as his parallel universe doppelgänger. I can't stay mad forever, especially if it gets in the way of a good joke, so here's Dagny, Take a Hike, the latest from Objectivist Morrissey:

Is it wrong to want to keep what you've got?
Ayn Rand would tell you, “Surely not!”
How can this world be just
When lice aren't shot?

Dagny, take a- Dagny, take a hike.
Stop the wheels of the world in their tracks, dear.
And don't produce tonight,
Go Galt and find the one that you love and who loves you.
The one that you love and who loves you

Is it wrong to hate your lessers, my dear?
No it's not wrong, so have no fear.
Leave them all in your dust,
Your way is clear!

Dagny, take a- Dagny, take a hike.
Stop the wheels of the world in their tracks, dear.
And don't produce tonight,
Go Galt and find the one that you love and who loves you.
The one that you love and who loves you.

Find my gulch and disappear.
La la la la la la la la.
Throw your blueprints onto the fire.
Come out and find the one that you love!

I have an an additional verse, but it would throw off the flow of the song:

Is it wrong to scorn the weak and the poor?
Ayn Rand would tell you "No!", I'm sure.
How could you be so rich, if you aren't pure?

For those of you unfamiliar with The Smiths, this song is a spoof of Sheila, Take a Bow:

I divided this post into two smaller posts, cross posted (where else?) at Objectivist Morrissey.


  1. Laura loves The Smiths. :)

    "Is it wrong to hate your lessers, my dear?
    No it's not wrong, so have no fear.
    Leave them all in your dust,
    Your way is clear!"

    Haha... that's awesome. :)


  2. I have an an additional verse, but it would throw off the flow of the song:

    You could use it to segue into the drum solo.

    P.S. Your link is fixed here.

  3. Awwww, nuts! I totally missed "24 in 24" at the time. I'm tempted to do the same thing myself, since my blogging has been sparse lately.

    But . . . I just noticed that the sun is shining in Steeltown for the first time in three days. And there are these two dogs that look like they could use some walking.

    Some other time, perhaps.

  4. Laura loves The Smiths. :)

    I have to confess, I prefer Mojo Nixon's cover of Girlfriend in a Coma to the original.

    "If you think this song is sick, don't blame me, blame Mor-ris-sey!"

    You could use it to segue into the drum solo.

    The Smiths never covered In-a-Gadda-da-Vida, though that would have been awesome.

    Awwww, nuts! I totally missed "24 in 24" at the time

    I was steamingly out of my mind when I did that- I was working a 16-hour "split" shift... 12-8, then 4-12, and that messes one's brain up.

  5. OT- trying to get in touch with you, but see you have no email posted... if you could email one of the following, AK or ZRM, they'll pass on the info.


  6. I've been told you know Ned so I'll email him and he can email you. :)
