Monday, October 24, 2011

Good, But a Little Stringy...

October is a month of long workdays and poor sleep habits for myself, so I figure I'll put up a short post now and work on something more substantial when I work the upcoming midnight shift.

In the recent past, when I met up with Substance McGravitas and Ned, I ran across an interesting restaurant in the shadow of Ned's peen-like abode:

The fried guitars were good, but a little stringy- perhaps a long braise would have been a better way to prepare them.


  1. Omg... Boo Hiss!!!
    You're awful!


  2. Apparently people in orchestras find this joke astonishingly funny:

    What's the difference between a violin and a viola?

    Violas take longer to burn.


  3. Jebus man, it's fried guitar, we used to dream of raw ukulele. Don't fret about it, just eat it.

  4. They'd be better in stew. They're never fresh enough and are too woody.

  5. "No, that's not violin player. It's piccolo player."

    "'ow can you tell?"

    "It's piping hot!"
