Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Few Short Takes

The Muse is pretty half-assed in her ability to inspire me today, so I'll just put up a couple of short bloviations.

How's this for a Christmas tale? Frothy Ricky Saves Christmas It's the tale of a young lad who saves Christmas from a Baby Jesus hating cultist, truly a frothy mix of Christmas cheer and political wankery. Sheesh, remember when the War on Christmas didn't start until December? We haven't even gotten through Halloween, and the War on Christmas has started- I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords decry this crass commercialization of the War on Christmas.

While it's not getting any media attention, I hear there's a guy in LEAFS SUCK!!! who is holding an OCCUPY YOUR MOTHER rally.

On Rush saying I Was More Self-Sufficient At Age 10 Than "This Parade Of Human Debris Calling Itself Occupy Wall Street"- this d00d was too chickenshit to score his own Oxycontin.

Finally, I figured I'd post the video for Common People by Pulp, one of the best critiques of the new economic reality, encapsulated in under five minutes:

The first time I heard Common People on the radi-adi-o, it knocked my socks off- this was one of those times when I scrambled around looking for a pen and paper so I could write the title of the song down when the DJ did his spiel.


  1. Rush Limbaugh had a rich family, which is a big help to someone who flunks out of college.

  2. I clicked on the "frothy mix" link. I learn something new, every damn day.
    I'm so out of the loop!

    I always keep my day planner (cause I'm very important you know) right beside me in the "Milf Mobile" as I am always writing down the title of a song or artist. If I happen to be driving, I keep repeating the name so I won't forgot until I can get a chance to scribble it. I've got so many titles in there- I need to get on Itunes and download some of them.


  3. You mean this wasn't the original version?

    ...OT; dude, you're gonna miss a good show on the 7th.

  4. I clicked on the "frothy mix" link.

    You gotta be careful around this crowd, Laura.

    PROTIP: do NOT click on links from the the ones called Substance or Fish.

  5. No media attention? Then what are all these camera crews doing here?

  6. I clicked on the "frothy mix" link. I learn something new, every damn day.
    I'm so out of the loop!

    In this case, out of the poop! Sorry about that- Rick Santorum's last name was nuked from orbit by sex advice columnist Dan Savage, because of Santorum's gross anti-gay statements.

    No media attention? Then what are all these camera crews doing here?

    Those are pr0n directors!

  7. I heard this song for the first time just a couple days ago -- iPod-worthy for sure.

