Saturday, October 1, 2011

Captain Nemo Sails Again

It's that time of year, when I pull a Captain Nemo, going under and not surfacing for a good long time. October is the major fundraising month for the non-profit for which I work, which means long hours on my feet, running hither, tither and yon. I'm busy before an event starts, during an event, and after the event ends, so I don't have as much time to write as I do on one of my quieter days. I hope to post regularly, but the posts may be shorter than usual. Last year, in response to my sentence: Captain Nemo going down in the submarine, Smut Clyde wrote:

Needs moar Filthbot.

Operating, to some extent, on the principle "You wish it, I dish it", here's some hilariously cheesy submarine related filth, a piss-take from one-time Iron Maiden lead singer Bruce Dickinson:

For the record, my favorite "submarine" themed song is Submission by the Sex Pistols. I dig it so much, I'll post it again:


  1. From Wiki:
    Shortly afterwards, however, Dickinson was expelled from Oundle for urinating in the headmaster's dinner

    My new tribute band, Urea Heep, will definitely be covering those.

  2. Agreed on the Pistols, I played the heck outta that one sophomore year in collage.

    Good luck with your fund-raisin'.

  3. Damn, I missed out on a Das Bot joke!

    Good luck with your fund-raisin'.

    Our October fundraisers are always successful, I'm just one of the Gumbies on the logistics end of things, but the overtime is nice.

  4. Overtime, yeah, but sub-missions are not gonna make me miss the Mekons.

    ROAD TRIP to Chicago!
