Friday, September 30, 2011

The Truth About Devolution

I'm glad I did two posts on the career and music of Devo- it gave me an excuse to check out a lot of great music, including versions of familiar songs that I hadn't heard before. It also gave me an excuse to avoid writing about the real world for a while, but now that I consider things, the truth of the devolution concept seems to be evident. The creep of the week is definitely NYPD Lieutenant Anthony Bologna of Manhattan Borough South, the white-shirted blackshirt who pepper-sprayed peaceful protesters, and who has a history of abuse of power. Bologna needs to be fired, plain and simple. I don't have any animus towards the police, I know a lot of cops and they are good people, but Bologna is a loose cannon, unworthy of the shield, and he needs to be given the boot and brought up on assault charges. The city doesn't need a knuckle-dragger like him on the streets, abusing power and assaulting individuals exercising their First Amendment rights.

NOTE: Anybody referring to Bologna as a Neanderthal is flirting with a lifetime ban, Neanderthals were awesome.


  1. His name actually IS Tony Baloney.

    I hope the urine that his bankster overlords deigned to trickle on him was all warm and stuff.

    Didja see the parade of pilots joining the protest?

    Now if only someone would pin teabags to a hat and misspell some signs, there would be some COVERAGE.

  2. The city doesn't need a knuckle-dragger like him on the streets, abusing power and assaulting individuals exercising their First Amendment rights.

    Mayor Bloomberg disagrees. This isn't the first time the NYPD has used its muscle to silence dissent.

  3. Hmmm. He sounds like a lazy, bulling fuck to me.
    You're right, a lot of cops are great but unfortunately, a lot are like this a-hole too.
    My oldest son Joe, would like to join the Ontario, Provincial Police (or join the army but... I'm trying to keep him focused on being a cop because the Mother in me is screaming "Let someone else's son join the army!")
    I really hope that he's one of the good ones. ;)


  4. Oh my! I apologize for all of the swearing. I have pms and may have blacked out for a moment there. :P

  5. ummm... if swearing is a problem, Laura, don't stop by my blog today.

  6. He doesn't seem like the sort of person who would be described by the phrase "New York's Finest".

  7. Following your links to the first hand account of the incident, there's this line:
    "Just for the record, I love cops"

    You say that Tony Baloney isn't worthy of the shield.

    That's part of the problem. If non-police venerate police officers - even and especially at a time when they should be villified most - how can we expect police officers to change their own behaviours.

    The issue isn't that there are a few bad apples - it's that there is a systemic bias to defend the bad apples AT ANY COST. The problem with Tony Baloney isn't that he's a fucking asshole and authoritarian prick - it's that HE'S STILL A COP. That police abuse gets covered up. That police see themselves as Above The Law - and no wonder. "Equal under the law" is a farce and it's the exact opposite of what we attribute to Ben Parker - that the more power you have, the less responsibility you bear.

    Here's a question - are the people who were involved in the various police cover-ups described in your linked story also unworthy of the shield?

    The Blue Shield of Silence is a ridiculous fucking bullshit piece of nonsense. I understand that police officers depend on one another - that they have to trust each other with their lives. But they need that because THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE UPHOLDING THE LAW.

    [/leftover G20 resentment]

  8. Didja see the parade of pilots joining the protest?

    Yeah, the sight of "uniformed" types goes a long way to undercut the "lazy, DFH" narrative.

    I really hope that he's one of the good ones. ;)

    I'm sure he will be- he's had a proper upbringing, even if he is too cool to go to Santa's workshop.

    Mayor Bloomberg disagrees

    Mayor Bloomberg needs to check himself!

    if swearing is a problem, Laura, don't stop by my blog today.

    Or ever!

    He doesn't seem like the sort of person who would be described by the phrase "New York's Finest".

    Not in the least, there have been a couple of really bad "bad cop" stories in the news lately.

    I understand that police officers depend on one another - that they have to trust each other with their lives.

    Would you trust your life to a hotheaded loose cannon?

  9. What prehistoric extinct human subspecies CAN we compare such people to, I ask.

    Next you'll be telling us that we can't call people toads or something.

  10. Next you'll be telling us that we can't call people toads or something.

    Don't be dissing toads, now!
