Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Characterizing right-wing pundits as intellectuals is inaccurate and overly generous. Such media figures as Michelle Malkin, Pamela Gellar and Savage Weiner (to name but three), operate strictly on an emotional level- rage and fear are all they have. In lieu of rational discourse, right-wingers appeal to the id of their followers. Right-wing commentary is idtellectualism- forget a rational, empirical approach to dealing with the outside world, and embrace resentment, terror, anger. There are no dissenters, just enemies, there is no room for nuance, ambiguity. Higher cognitive functions are dangerous, just channel your base emotions and let fly. Id id id id id! That's all they've got. Thankfully, they don't have any Krell technology to give their ids material form:


  1. ...just channel your base emotions and let fly.

    Vote for Obama or ELSE, he kidded.

  2. You're w/ us or you're w/ the terrists.

  3. just channel your base emotions and let fly.

    My emotions are all acidic.

  4. Thread needs more "Id hit that" jokes. Or possibly fewer.

  5. Vote for Obama or ELSE, he kidded.

    He kinda has us over a barrel- the bitch of it all is that he knows it and acts accordingly.

    I'll steal idtellectualism at some point.

    Hey, now, this neologism is my gift to the entire Anglophone world, Canuckistan included.

    You're w/ us or you're w/ the terrists.

    Subtle, innit?

    My emotions are all acidic.

    I don't have a litmus test for the commentariat.

    Thread needs more "Id hit that" jokes.

    Don't force me to post the "Malkin cheerleader" or "Pammieb00bz in a bikini" videos!

  6. Portmanteau WIN.

    Funny thing being, you just had eight years of a POTUS who preferred to "go with his gut" & gosh, in hindsight it sure looks like his gut was pretty clueless ... but surely noone could have predicted that!

    Other than all the people who predicted it, I mean.
