Sunday, June 19, 2011


These past couple of days, the first ripe mulberries of the season have been available. Yesterday, I scarfed down several handsful of the sweet, though messy, delicacies. I make it a point to stake out mulberry trees throughout my travels, and we have four good ones on the grounds at work, several by my favorite bicycle path, and scads of them not far from the Bronx River Parkway near my house. In 1937, an individual named John Ousta made an attempt to raise silkworms in the Bronx. While efforts to raise silkworms in the Bronx were unsuccessful, mulberry lovers such as myself have been the beneficiaries of this muddle-headed scheme.

I am a shameless mulberry glutton, but I figure I am performing a public service. Every mulberry I cram into my greedy mouth is a mulberry that doesn't stain some poor sucker's car.


  1. They can get their own mulberries- thieving rodents!

  2. What about the squirrels, BBBB?

    Alternate joke- the squirrels are thin and gamey this time of year.
