Thursday, March 10, 2011

When Lacking Inspiration...

...fall on the "post a video" gambit. There's a lot to write about, with the developments in Wisconsin, the Odious Peter King's witch-hunt "hearings", the situation in Libya (now Saudi Arabia)... but I am somewhat pressed for time today. Therefore, I'll post a video which is pro-labor, and also fits in with my "run up to the Solemn Feast of St. Patrick". The Molly Maguires was a secret society of Irish miners which combatted (often violently) the corrupt mine owners in Pennsylvania in the 1870's. Typically, the mine workers were more often the victims of violence than the perpetrators, though the forces arrayed against them were able to control the narrative (much like today, when 600 Teabaggers trump 100,000 pro-union protestors as far as the media is concerned). Sickening how current events are mirroring the "bad old days" before the unionization of the American workforce.

At least there hasn't been any violent opposition to the pro-union demonstators in Wisconsin... at least not yet.


  1. Check it..

    So maybe not Wisconsin, but probably Michigan some day soon.

  2. ...when 600 Teabaggers trump 100,000 pro-union protestors as far as the media is concerned

    How much more evidence do we need that our media's agenda is to support the plutocracy?
