Monday, March 28, 2011

One of Our Submarines Serpents is Missing*

So, the hyped local story concerns an adolescent cobra which has gone Galt. This serpent has broken free from the collectivist snakes which are feeding off the largesse of the more-or-less hairless apes which keep them enslaved.

I don't agree with the Wildlife Conservation Society's decision to close the Reptile House (one of my favorite places on the planet, I must say). I think the WCS should allow thrill-seekers and religious kooks to tour the Reptile House after signing waivers and paying a premium fee. Maybe they could raise revenue by charging despondent monarchs a hefty sum to walk barefoot in the House of Reptiles.

Uh, it just hit me... the missing cobra may be on a pilgrimage to Elizabeth Taylor's graveside. If this is so, the cobra wouldn't be the first venomous creature to show up at the memorial.

*A personal favorite of yours truly... for a more irreverent treatment of a similar subject, there's always, uh, this...

POSTSCRIPT: I am of such an age that Liz Taylor was largely a punch line in my childhood years, and an activist in my maturity, so it's easy to forget that she was quite the sex bomb at the height of her powers:

POSTSCRIPT TO THE POSTSCRIPT: When "Sex Bomb" was released, I was on vacation in Amsterdam, and a naive tourist could have been convinced that the song was the national anthem of the Netherlands rather easily.


  1. I am so with you. Magic of the cobra markets, and such asp.

  2. Did I hear Tom Jones???

    Also, I hope this guy is nowhere near the reptile house...

  3. She was stunningly beautiful in her prime and quite brave to talk about AIDS in Reagan's 'Merka

  4. Riddled Snake Wine Vinters disclaim any involvement.

  5. I like "Apples and snakes have gone together since the beginning."

  6. C-c-c-cold-hearted.

    B^4, for a long time I only knew that she was a famous lady with big hair who did a weird perfume commercial. (I swear, I fucking saw that thing playing just a year ago).

    She was the shiz.

  7. (I swear, I fucking saw that thing playing just a year ago).

    Every Xmas & other "perfume for m'lady" holiday occasion.
