Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Missed by That Much!

So, it seems we had a couple of close calls today. We didn't join the mighty Mesozoic monsters in oblivion.

In fact, the day was positively lovely here in the Northeastern U.S., and I took a nice long walk down to the Bronx and around the perimeter of Woodlawn Cemetery (I enjoy strolling through the grounds as well, but didn't feel the need to enter today- maybe missing oblivion by a factor of tens of thousands of kilometers was a factor in this choice). Of course, the mere fact that these potentially fatal collisions can take place underscores the need for science-positive public policy because science works, bitches!


  1. We didn't join the mighty Mesozoic monsters in oblivion.

    Don't worry, the Koch brothers and their GOBPer fiends are working on it.

    Woodlawn Cemetary...that reminds me of playing golf at Van Cortlandt and Mosholu golf courses.
