Friday, August 13, 2010

Ruh-Roh, the Stars Are Right

Hmm... checkin' the t00bz, checkin' the t00bz...

Say, now, what's this? Seems some Spanish beachgoers have been attacked by a plague of "jellyfish" by committee. Sting-y tentacles... sounds all kinds of hurty.

Well, at least there are nice beaches on the other side of the Atlantic... EEP! Poor menhaden... we usually call them mossbunker, or just 'bunker. When we caught them on lazy summer days on Bronxtucket, we'd cut them into bloody gobbets as bait for juvenile bluefish, which we usually call snappers. We usually call a turkey a walking bird, but I ramble.

So, the beaches are a horrible disaster... how about a nice sail? Yelpin' Johanson, is there no safe haven?

Maybe I can distract myself with a little stargazing, the Perseid meteor shower is at its peak...

Checks calendar, sees date, reiterates, "EEP!"

Wow, cosmic horror seems to be the order of the day.

The stars are right, Old Ones delight, deep in the heart of R'lyeh.
Now is the time, to rise from slime, deep in the heart of R'lyeh.

Here's an amusing little trifle I found on the t00bz, an episode of a cartoon that eluded my nerdy notice when it appeared on the TeeVee machine, presented for your Friday the Thirteenth viewing pleasure.


  1. by a plague of "jellyfish" by committee.

    I will have you know that the correct collective noun for jellyfish (including siphonophores) is a smack.
    Teh Wackyweedia says "A group of jellyfish is sometimes called a bloom or a swarm" but WHAT DO THEY KNOW.

  2. I will have you know that the correct collective noun for jellyfish (including siphonophores) is a smack.

    Should be a Smuckers.

    This whole thing brings back fond memories of a youthful slime fight, when a plague of moon jellyfish washed up onto the beach. We were grabbing up dead and dying cnidarians by the handful, and slinging the slime at each other.

  3. I got stung by some nasty jellyfish back in the Jekyll Island vacationing days of my youth.

    But the worst (and most long-lasting) pain was a brush with some fire coral while scuba diving in Mexico.

  4. The little monstress and I have been remarking on "EEP!" and Archie. Now you I guess.

  5. Maybe I can distract myself with a little stargazing, the Perseid meteor shower is at its peak...

    It was wonderful this year.
