Sunday, May 23, 2010

Another Vexing Lacuna Filled

Estimable Kiwi Smut Clyde, in a comment on a previous thread, wrote about the phrase "vexing lacuna" (which would be a good band name, much like "Estimable Kiwi"), Also the first line of a 'Waltzing Matilda' parody.

So, without further ado, here's the chorus:

Vexing lacuna, vexing lacuna,
How did this gap in my life come to be?
And I searched and I searched for to find what I was missing sore.
Now, it's another lacuna I see.

I was able to fill in a vexing lacuna this week- although I have been plugging Gene Wolfe's long short story/short novella (***SPOILER ALERT***Veiled slash fiction reference?) Seven American Nights to anyone who would care to read my postings on teh t00bz, I did not own a copy of this novella until last Monday evening. Every time I felt a need to re-read the work (I first read it while in high school, but forgot author's name for years, though the story itself has haunted me since I read it), I borrowed an anthology in which it was included from the public library. With the release of the trade paperback of The Best of Gene Wolfe, I finally have the novella sitting on my bookshelf. A 1978 Nebula award nominee, the novella details the travels of a young Iranian man in a United States which has fallen victim to a slo-mo apocalyse of the sort that, in this age of pink slime burgers and seemingly endless environmental disasters, seems to be our destiny. In the days since I picked up the book, I have reread the story twice. I cannot recommend this work strongly enough.


  1. The words "Estimable Kiwi" set me off singing new verses to Hawkwind's Psychedelic Warlords.
