Thursday, March 18, 2010

On Tribe, Family, and Lying to the Boss

Last Monday, we held a "Hail and Farewell" for two co-workers who were moving on to another career. These two men, combined, had more time with the organization than I have on the planet. While a sad night, the theme of workplace as family was noted by everyone present- the organization is a non-profit, and the employees are all passionate, dedicated people. In a conversation with my manager, I made a joke concerning my upcoming schedule, and told him, "I have no problem working New Year's Eve, or the Fourth of July, but I make it a point never to work on the Solemn Feast of Saint Patrick or Walpurgis Night." Weekends, Christmas, Thanksgiving- I've worked them all on one occasion or other, but these were two days I considered inviolable.

Well, yesterday I got a call from work- a co-worker, the gentleman I wrote about in December, was unable to come to work. Well, I had planned on attending the gathering of the tribe, but the work situation trumped even that. The tribe is doing well- after surviving centuries of strife and privation, we are thriving. Although I had planned to lend my moral support to the tribe, the family needed my material support that day.

Yeah, I lied to the boss on Monday night, and worked on a late winter day that put many spring days to shame. It was a quiet peaceful time, and I spent the day as sober as a Calvinist (until I got back to Yonkers around 9 P.M., that is). My duty to the family fulfilled, it was time to catch up with the tribe, which I found waiting for me... like it always does.


  1. My duty to the family fulfilled, it was time to catch up with the tribe, which I found waiting for me... like it always does.

    I'm guessing they were well ahead of you, by the time you found them waiting for you...

  2. Ah... Dijonnaise! So that's what she was saying!

    Hope you had a good St. Patrick's day!

  3. I'm trying to add you to my blog roll, iz not workingz
