Friday, March 12, 2010


I had every intention to post a well-researched piece about a favorite obscure band of mine, but we had a major power failure at work, so I was unable to access the t00bz. I would now put up a quick and dirty post on the subject, but I really don't want to put up a poorly attributed piece of work, even if it is about a long-defunct band that most people have never heard of.

This is why I don't have an opinion column at the New York Times or the Washington Post.

I do, however, have a nice bottle of Glenmorangie single malt, which I am going to turn to for "post power failure/working in the dark for two-and-a-half-hours" counseling.


  1. An excellent course of treatment Dr. 4B

  2. A shame you have to do things on your own time. How else are you supposed to get back at the boss?

  3. The director of the site I was working at today has been a good friend since the days when I had a big blond afro.

    I have to say, I like work, and I like my co-workers... a most un-American state of affairs.

    Plus, I see this, or a facsimile thereof at work- how could I complain?
