Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ombudsmoose Through the Ages

Looking back at Thunder's depiction of Smut Clyde as Ombudsmoose, I was struck by a sense of déjà vu... I had seen this picture before... ah, yes, the Ombudsmoose was an important figure to the Cro Magnon people of Paleolithic France. Ombudsmoose iconography has changed little throughout the millennia- please note the beard and glasses, which seem to indicate that the Good Doktor's distant ancestors performed the function of Ombudsmoose. As one can tell from a perusal of the Paleolithic depiction, the blue jeans are a recent innovation.


  1. the blue jeans are a recent innovation
    And far more comfortable than that pony-tail / buttplug thing. Or so I hear.

  2. The moral is, do not volunteer for the role of Donkey during a paleolithic game of "Pin the Tail on the Donkey", for the rules were different then.

  3. The blue jeans were a necessary adaptation to extend the careers of hardworking ombudsapparelpersonbirdmeese.
