Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Interpretation

South Carolina Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer, speaking about recipients of government aid said:

"My grandmother was not a highly educated woman, but she told me as a small child to quit feeding stray animals. You know why? Because they breed! You're facilitating the problem if you give an animal or a person ample food supply. They will reproduce, especially ones that don't think too much further than that."

Now, being of the opinion that nobody would be so monstrous as to suggest that poor children go to bed hungry, I am of the opinion that Mr. Bauer is, in a circumlocutory fashion, advocating aid programs for gay Americans, who would not "facilitate the problem" of poverty by breeding. Of course, the only reason I hold this opinion is because I am- how you say- charitable.


  1. ...quit feeding stray animals.

    so letting them starve to death is better? I begin to question the wisdom of his grandmother.

    The doofus misreads the cliche. You don't feed strays because they will follow you home, and then you become responsible for them.

    Although the people I know who are willing to feed and shelter strays are almost invariably lovely people.

    So, Andre Bauer is an asshat. Zombeez do not see a need to be as charitable as you were.

  2. Sure, they pretend to be against the stimulus but they're up there at the trough for the Federal Oven Subsidies.

  3. So, Andre Bauer is an asshat. Zombeez do not see a need to be as charitable as you were.

    Uh... did you miss the industrial-grade snark of this post?

    More importantly, did you get the e-mail I sent to the account listed on your blog?

  4. Bauer is right, if he's talking about giant defense corporations and the unnecessary wars that feed them.

    But I guess he'snot...


  5. Uh... did you miss the industrial-grade snark of this post?

    if only you had purchased the sarcasm symbol for use and such as.

    I DID receive your email, and I am sure I had left such news elsewhere on the web. somewhere. maybe Jonah Goldberg has it. i proffer thanks,

    I have, however, been unable so far to import the Windows flavored file into itunes, which is supposedly possible, if against the EULA; did you pour an alcoholic beverage into your computer first?
