Sunday, April 17, 2022

Happy Easter 2022

Here's wishing all of my readers a happy Easter.  I'm currently working the graveyard shift, which entails preparing the site for any daytime activities.  This year, that means hiding Easter eggs for the annual egg hunt.  Since most of you aren't local, I can get away with giving you folks a hint...  I've hidden eggs under half the the geese on the property:

Actually, it's early in the season, so the Branta candadensis population onsite is jockeying for prime nesting sites. Doing research on these birds, I learned that they can reach ages in the thirties, even in the wild.  While I can't be sure, not being skilled in telling individuals apart, I think this bold goose might be this guy, who I have a history with.  If so, he's mellowed considerably, and he knows that I won't back down to his bluster, so he gets close and noisy, but avoids any physical conflict these days.

Happy Easter, everybody... it's a good day to make a truce with a goose.