Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Cult of Set Responsible for COVID?

From the annals of fake epidemiology, we have the conspiracy theory that COVID is caused, not by a virus, but by snake venom being used to poison tapwater supplies.  This whackaloonery was spread by right-wing crank Stew Peters in a QAnon-adjacent bit called 'Watch the Water'.  The Vatican is behind a plot to use snake DNA to turn humans into human/snake(devil) hybrids:

Never mind that not all religions consider snakes to be evil, evil overlords know that turning into a snake never helps Making people afraid of turning into snakes does help, though... it helps separate fools from their money:

  Filters?  There goes my plan to market antivenin pumps that you can hook up to your sink!

I'm old enough to remember when the anti-vaxxers were touting viper venom as a COVID cure. It's weird how fickle these fools are. At any rate, I suspect the Cult of Set might be involved... two, three years ago, COVID was just another coronavirux, but now it's everywhere: 


On a serious note... while the grifters are using this malinformation to scam the rubes out of money, it's baffling the lengths to which the rubes will go to avoid the reality of a viral pandemic which can be mitigated with vaccines and mask use.


  1. Of course you remember. There was ivermectin, there was urine therapy, now we have tanning our balls. Most of those turned out to be fads.
    Some days, i wake up just to see what they will do next. It is a sad reason, but i am an older person and sometimes that is all it takes.
    I remain hopeful. I will never trust these people that are called "Republicans ". It is the wrong word to explain them. They are so hard to understand. I do maintain some friendships and neighborly relations.!

  2. We are cursed with memory, as Driftglass is wont to point out.

  3. There are FALSE conspiracy theories and there are TRUE conspiracy theories.

    It's everyone's job to figure out independently which is which.

    With Covid-19 (and everything else) it all comes down to this...... "When people who are honestly mistaken learn the truth, they will either cease being mistaken, or cease being honest!" (Anonymous)

    Throughout your entire life you continually DECIDE to either stop being mistaken –or stop being honest– when learning the truth. Which one of the two true answers applies to YOU in terms of the Covid-19 truth? Read “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” ...

    "The inhumane abominations, issued by the highly credentialed professional class of psychopaths-in-control and their lauded sycophantic minions, of “No Jews Allowed” and “No Colored People Allowed” of yesterday is the “No Unvaccinated People Allowed” of today." (from cited article)

    ““We’re all in this together” is a tribal maxim. Even there, it’s a con, because the tribal leaders use it to enforce loyalty and submission. ... The unity of compliance.” --- Jon Rappoport, Investigative Journalist

  4. Yes, if that long weird comment isn't snark it's just appalling.

    I really didn't realize so many people were so stupid before. Children easily believe in Santa because they are probably genetically open to any information they can gather, particularly from those big people who know everything. And children don't know anything about anything. And haven't worked out logic yet, really. The Catholic Church traditionally considers seven years old to be the "age of reason", so a person could sin at that point although probably in only minor (venial, as they called it) ways.

    How empty headed do so many people have to be to buy total garbage of all kinds? Before TFG etc. there was a huge % of Americans for years who discounted global warming and bought the worldwide conspiracy of thousands of scientists of all kinds, secretly conning the world for grant money or something. Like a published prof scientist is just someone off the street who decided to be a scientist one day without a lifetime of education and experience.

    Like Al said, an Inconvenient Truth. But inconvenience is apparently all it takes.
