Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Plaguers' Town, or Contagion Convoy

In perhaps the most predictable development of the year, the rhymes-with-truckers, who are protesting vaccine mandates aren't feeling so well:

Oviously, rhia was an anthrax attack perpetrated by Joe Biden using bioweapons from Ukrainian laboratories. Surely, it cannot be a highly contagious respiratory disease which has killed almost a million Americans. At any rate, the Contagion Convoy seems like it's headed to a tragic-yet-farcical denoument as the rhymes-with-truckers either croak from 'rona or try their hands at suicide-by-cop:

These idiots were emboldened by the kid-gloves treatment they've been receiving from the local authorities, but if they try pulling citizen's arrests of DC police, they will quickly find out that their 'posse comitatus' nonsense just doesn't play back East. 

Coincidentally, in the latest Adventures in Hellwqrld, host Poker and Politics had a fascinating interview with attorney Allie Mezei about the 'sovereign citizen' and 'posse comitatus' movements. Expect to hear a lot of Sovcit BS from the rhymes-with-truckers as they bump up against the authorities in the coming days.


  1. I hope that's a figurative bump-up-against, from at least 6' away!
    I hate that there's a part of me that's doing the "ha-ha" from The Simpsons about this; I try to be all they-know-not-what-they-do, but I think if they'd think, they'd see it, too.

  2. Ali, I think we're all suffering from 'compassion fatigue'. These people could have gotten vaccinated, or at least taken masking seriously, I really can't be concerned with their welfare.
