Saturday, March 5, 2022

Convoytus Interruptus

I've been keeping an eye on coverage of the pro-Trump 'Freedom Convoy' which was hastily assembled in the wake of the 'trucker' occupation of Ottawa and several Canada/US border crossings.  An earlier convoy-adjacent rally in DC was a farce drawing about a score of people.  The current incarnation of the 'People's Convoy' is larger, but seems to be stalled in Hagerstown, Maryland- a directionless mob of morons. Once again, the intrepid Zachary Petrizzo of Daily Beast is on the job:

All is not well in the People's Paradise of Truckerstan, though: To heighten both the tension in Hagerstown and the comedic value of this shitshow, right-wing wannabe dirty trickster Jacob Wohl was forced out of the trucker rally for trying to incite them to some sort of action: Meanwhile, the convoy seems to be stalled for the moment, interrupted if you will, as some sort of vague plan for future action needs to be formulated: As always, though, heroes arise in dark times, and in Hagerstown, one particular man has ascended to internet demigod status:

Nothing like a nice bowl of ham-and-beans before a long day spent on the road with little access to public lavatory accomodations... 

I'm sure that these morons will be ecstatic about the prospects of camping out in a racetrack parking lot all night, before sitting in Beltway traffic on a day when most government officials are off from work. I just hope that none of them get frustrated enough to do anything really stupid. 

 Meanwhile, government should simply use the tools of mundane bureaucracy to thwart these idiots, making them pull into weigh stations and subjecting them to truck log perusals. These people want to disrupt DC- how about disrupting the disruptors?


  1. Well from the way things are going it sounds like these "Freedom loving" Americans will be paying more for their "Freedom gas" to put into their "Freedom machines."

  2. I'm cool with these Freedom Idiots getting taken to the Freedom Cleaners.
