Monday, January 24, 2022

Pro-Death Rally

Yesterday, an anti-vaccine rally took place in Washington DC, in which perhaps ten thousand anti-vaccine activists descended upon our nation's capital for a superspreader-event-cum-hate-rally.  Much of the hype for this event can be laid at the feet of inexplicably popular meathead and podcaster Joe Rogan, who has made a career about JAQing off about politics and policy.   Boy, howdy, was this one a doozy, a heady farrago of persecution fantasy, Nazi imagery, and calls for violence.

I've been catching up on coverage by Time's Vera Bergengruen, The Daily Beast's Zachary Petrizzo, and NBC's Ben Collins, supplemented by coverage by activists who were present at the event.

I'm particularly disgusted by RFK, Jr's comparison of vaccine mandates to the Holocaust... this was a guy who had a stellar environmental record for decades, who is now a crank reduced to trivializing the real horrors of the Nazi regime:

There were also farcical, hypocritical denunciations of the politicization of the pandemic: No mainly right-wing (again, WTF, RFK JR?) action would be complete without calls for violence: Activist Anthony Walker captured a nutter explicitly threatening violence against the press: MAGA infiltrator Amanda Moore also covered the event, and provided some appalling imagery: All told, the anti-vax rally was an appalling spectacle as well as a superspreader event, and is sure to have ripple effects as the attendees return to their homes.  It was a freak show, to be sure, and the horrors won't be confined to one weekend in DC.


  1. Yes, i read this post. It is bad news.

  2. With apologies to ZZ Top,
    Gimme all your covid
    So the coughing and lung damage too

    Gimme all your covid
    Herman Cain will see me through
