Tuesday, September 21, 2021

It's Like Juneteenth Never Happened.

Remember the elation people, especially African-Americans, felt when Juneteenth was declared a federal holiday?  The Juneteenth holiday commemorates when enslaved people of African descent in Texas finally learned that the Confederacy lost the War of Treason in Defense of Slavery, and were finally emancipated?  Well, in Texas, the state which gave us Juneteenth, it looks as if the emancipation never occurred....  we now have the spectacle of mounted Customs and Border Patrol agents whipping refugees at the southern border.

Many of the more than 10,000 refugees stuck in the vicinity of the Del Río-Ciudad Acuña International Bridge are Haitians fleeing the turmoil resulting from a presidential assassination (probably paid for by a Haitian-American doctor living in Florida) and the one-two punch of a 4.2 magnitude earthquake.followed by tropical storm Grace.

While the claims of refugee status need to be vetted, especially in this time of pandemic, the very idea of mounted lawmen (so called) whipping black and brown people is a throwback to a barbarous time which we have never really put behind us.  

Personally, I would allow these refugees to settle Alabama, to offset the state's population loss... this, though, is probably the reason for the violent crackdown by CBP.

1 comment:

  1. Why not? They are used to the climate. They are hard working people. They could be close to home. They have history there.

    Yes i know this sounds all racist, but i would like to see what could happen. It might be something good.

    At this point, anything would be better than those redneck crackers who are in control of Alabama right now.

    I apologize for all my stupid racist views.
