Friday, January 22, 2021

COVID Comes Close

Today has been... let's say it's not been ideal.  I received a text message from a good friend, a former landlord/housemate from back in the day when I lived in a 'beach house without an ocean' twenty years ago.  He's also the captain of our bar trivia team, from the Before Times.  He tested positive for COVID earlier this week.  I'm not too worried, he's the kind of guy who's run numerous marathons, so his base level of health and fitness is extraordinary.

Soon after, my upstairs neighbor informed me that she and the kids tested positive.  Again, she's run marathons and triathlons, so I think she'll be okay. Likewise, the kids are athletic.  

Thankfully,  my friends have been able to do their grocery shopping online, so they are well-provisioned.  I offered to run errands for them if needed.  In the meantime, I think I might have to go full hermit mode.  I spoke to my mom earlier this week, and she told me that she called her county health department in northern Virginia and that, even at the age of 79, she will probably have to wait until June for a vaccine.  That doesn't give me confidence that I will be eligible for a good, long time.


  1. Damn. I hope you all stay well and no one succumbs to this horrible plague.

    We’re so lucky where we live. Life is almost normal. Can’t wait until normality returns for everyone

  2. I'm putting positivity into the universe for all of you (and the rest of us, too.) Here's to everyone being comfortable while we await what we're awaiting.

  3. that is close!! i am full hermit too

  4. Damn. I hope you all stay well and no one succumbs to this horrible plague.

    I'm really concerned about everybody's parents.

    'm putting positivity into the universe for all of you (and the rest of us, too.) Here's to everyone being comfortable while we await what we're awaiting.

    Gotta maintain that positivity. With the new administration, at least there's hope of a solution.

    that is close!! i am full hermit too

    Let's all be hermits together! *CRICKETS*
