Wednesday, December 23, 2020

This Year's Been Black and Blue

It's no secret to longtime readers that  my favorite Christmas carol is O, Holy Night, and my favorite secular Christmas song is A Fairytale of New York.  I'm always happy to hear new Christmas music that isn't awful, and listening to college radio makes this possible. 

This year, my new Christmas music find is by Glasgow band There Will Be Fireworks.  I recently heard an interview with their lead singer about their song In Excelsis Deo, and it was a tale of a long distance relationship between the Glasgow based songwriter and his girlfriend in the south of England, and how they persevered until they were able to marry and live together.  It's a sweet song about survivng a 'black and blue' year with hopes of a white Christmas.  It's a nice slice of life, and it's good to know that the ending was a happy one:

The funny thing about the interview is that it took place on a New Jersey based radio station, so the song's references to Bruce Springsteen did not go unremarked upon.  I also like the recondite references to Glasgow (the Dear Green Place which also happens to be an Old Grey Town)... nothing like a bit of a puzzle to figure out.

I think this one is going into the Christmas rotation, it's a sweet song that happens to absolutely shred at the end.  With so much sub-par Christmas music out there, it's nice to add a quality song to the playlist.

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