Friday, October 2, 2020

Some Hoax, Huh?

I don't believe in karma... the Western pop-culture conception of karma is merely wishful thinking that the universe is just, and it neglects the connection between karma and the dharma which determines it- if one's dharma is to steal candy from babies, then stealing candy from babies is good karma, at any rate, it decreases their chances of developing tooth decay and type two diabetes. Yeah, I don't believe in karma, as appealing as the pop-conception of it is. As the late Phil Chevron, a wiser man than I, put it: "Wise men are beggared while fools are crowned. Evil's afloat and the lowly ones drown." That being said, there are moments when the universe seems to attain sentience, when a villain actually suffers repercussions for his malfeasance:

Why it wasn't that long ago that this thing would just go away, wasn't it?

 Because we live in a post-truth society, with the COVID-Conman being Chief Prevaricator, I'm not sure I believe that he's tested positive. He lies about everything, what would stop him from claiming to have contracted the virus, then claiming a miraculous cure in order to downplay the severity of the disease? I kinda hate that this has even popped into my mind. 

At any rate, I wish Trump and his entire adult nuclear family a long life, with years spent behind bars. Every time the notion that he might croak from COVID-19, the deadly disease he downplayed back before the world stopped, crosses my mind, the words of John Doe and Exene Cervenka come to mind: 


Words to live by in these cruel, debased days, even when applied to a cruel, debased despot.

ADDENDUM:  This Twitter thread is PURE COMEDY GOLD!


  1. Dear BBBB,

    I am not a religious person by ANY definition; but somehow, some way, other's imprecatory prayers have finally kicked in, it would seem.

    While I completely agree with you the Candycorn Skidmark ought to have a VERY long life, spent in serious prison; ought we not be indulged a few snickers or titters?



  2. Schadenfreude is free, that's good entertainment value.
