Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Interminable, Insufferable

I watched it, I watched the whole damn thing- that stupid excuse for a presidential debate. I'll admit it, I mixed up two pint-sized szarlotkas to make the viewing less of an ordeal... the first was one-third vodka, two-thirds apple juice, the second was half-and-half. Sure, I got a buzz, but it didn't help. The main takeaways from the debate are that Trump constantly talked over Biden and that Chris Wallace is a shitty moderator. The mics used for these debates should be on timers- after the alloted two minutes, they should simply shut off... we have the technology. I wish Biden had been a little more barbed, ready with snappy comebacks to Trump's lies and distortions. It was cathartic to hear Biden tell Trump to shut up and to hear him call Trump the worst president that America has ever had: The most surreal moment of the debate was when Trump accused Biden of a disastrous handling of the H1N1 flu outbreak, with 14K deaths, to the current COVID-19 pandemic, with over 211K deaths and counting: At least he followed this up with a zinger about Trump's disastrous COVID-19 prognostications: Trump's response was a failure- one does not make sarcastic statements about a deadly pathogen. It was also nice to hear Biden call Trump a clown, especially given Trump's excessive application of facepaint that night: Perhaps Biden's best line of the night was 'get out of your bunker, get out of your sandtrap', highlighting both Trump's cowardice and his Marie Antoinette/Emperor Nero response to a crisis:

It was a terrible debate, and the general consensus is that it was a Scheißeanzeigen, and I'm sure it didn't change any minds. I can't imagine that the next two proposed debates will be any better... at least I'll have time to restock my supply of Żubrówka.  

 ADDENDUM: I forgot to mention the elephant in the room, Donald Trump's exhortation for a right-wing gang to 'stand back and stand by'. Luckily, last weekend, with three and a half weeks of preparation, a national muster of these assholes couldn't assemble more than three-hundred or so in Portland:

As ugly as it might get, we outnumber these creeps... vastly.


  1. Oh you are braver than me. Are we allowed to cuss on this forum? I couldn't stay there and listen to that shit.
    Another thing that bothers me is they treat us like a holiday destination and endless source of plunder.

  2. After RBG's death, I admit I'm trying to cut back on following your politics because it's making me angry and anxious without there being anything I can do to fix it.

    I was therefore extremely glad it was neither my duty nor my job to watch this appalling shitshow.

    Apparently they are going to cut the dickhead's mic next time, so that's something.
