Tuesday, September 8, 2020

COVID's Angels

 Predictably, the Sturgis motorcycle rally, the yearly commodification of an 'outlaw biker aesthetic', turned out to be an epidemiological disaster, a superspreader event, with one study suggesting that nineteen percent of August's new COVID-19 cases in the US can be traced to the rally.  That's a figure of approximately 266,000 new cases, with a potential cost of over twelve billion dollars.   Needless to say, a bunch of people who refuse to wear motorcycle helmets weren't exactly careful about wearing masks.

At least the Sturgis attendees got to hear a ZZ Top cover band and Smashmouth... indeed not the sharpest tools in the shed.  Twelve billion dollars and a few thousand deaths are a small price to pay for that, no?  Plus, living in a state of arrested development, saddled with anxieties about one's masculinity, is priceless.  Looking at photos of the event, it looks as much like a comorbidity convention as a motorcycle rally.  I just feel sorry for the barmaids, 'booth babes', and strippers who were compelled to work the event because of the poor government response to the unemployment crisis.

We're never going to get over this pandemic.


  1. If the stupids only infected themselves, it would be a blessing.

    Unfortunately, that's not how it works.

    Over here we have conservative leaders of our southern states and federal ministers raging at my state for not reopening our borders and letting the plague-ridden in. Our state has a Labour (==lefty) government, and there's a state election coming up. These clowns want my state to drop restrictions has kept the death toll down to six, just to tilt the election towards the conservatives.


    Lovely people, aren't they?

  2. These creeps are ruining every country where they attain power.
