Saturday, June 20, 2020

Tackle Tulsa Tonight

This is a quick placeholder post which I will expand on. I am meeting friends for dinner at an outside dining area. I haven’t seen them since March, three hundred years ago. All I will write before sitting down with a gin-and-tonic is that one pundit noted that Trump hadn’t heard of Juneteenth (when he originally scheduled this rally) or the 1921 Tulsa race war in which a white mob torched the most prosperous black community in the US... but Stephen Miller had. I will have plenty of time tonight in the quiet moments at work to catch up with the COVID convention.

Right now, more pleasant matters await.

UPDATE: Well, I've caught up on things and, boy, was the whole thing hilarious. First, there was the concerted effort by teenagers to snap up tickets they never intended to use, which forced True Believers to camp out for days in front of the venue, which never even filled to half capacity. The speech was a cringeworthy attempt at boosting Trump's ego, with obsessive attempts at mulligans for his ridiculous water drinking issue and his feeble descent of a ramp at West Point,,, I suspect that we'll be hearing about this crap for months. The most appalling moment of the whole speech, in my estimation, was his line about slowing down COVID-19 testing:

His handlers tried to pass this off as a joke, but Christ, he's the President of the United States of America, we need him to be serious for a second.


  1. It's not worth wasting your valuable brain time over. Just chortle at the massive failure, and know Trump will take his revenge in a way that will make things worse for him.

    Have a lovely meal!

  2. I've caught up, and it's Pure Comedy Gold.

  3. Napoleon crowned himself.

    tRUMP be-clowned himself!

