Tuesday, September 24, 2019

So, It Begins

It looks like the House Democrats have begun an impeachment inquiry. It seems as if the Ukraine scandal was the final straw in a farrago of crimes on the part of the maladministration.

I have vacillated on the impeachment issue- while I have long felt that Trump should be impeached, my feelings about the procedure have been strategic... impeachment should be held off until it can cause maximum damage to Trump in the 2020 presidential election. The Republican Senate will not vote to convict Trump, therefore, any trial should be avoided so he cannot claim to have been exonerated. Time the impeachment so that it throws him off his game- he has a fragile ego and a short temper, so keep him scared and angry. The problem is that every day he is in office, he is doing untold damage to the nation, so delay is dangerous. I don't envy the House Democrats, they are walking on a knife edge politically.

I'm not sure that the timing is optimal for the proceedings to begin, but they are necessary. Annoyingly, I've been dealing with work-related issues all day, so I haven't been able to concentrate on the news, but this process will unfold over the course of months. It has to, having the trial occurring too early might screw the whole thing up.

1 comment:

  1. In the immortal words of NBA Jam, "Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Ka-Boom!!!"
