Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2019 Wish: Accountability

My number one wish for 2019 is accountability- I want serious investigations into corruption to take place and for the people who are guilty of it to be penalized... if not incarcerated, then fined and prevented from ever holding a government position. With a Democratic House, I think that this is possible. I expect an avalanche of subpoenas to bury the Trump maladministration, and Once-and-Future Speaker Pelosi is just the woman to accomplish that. I expect Vulgarmort to be sweating bullets for the foreseeable future.

Oddly enough, people on the far right also want accountability, though in a fucked-up manner- they believe that military tribunals have already started convicting 'Deep State' operatives like John Brennan, Barack Obama, and their greatest bugbear, the hated Hillary. Sure, they want to hold their 'enemies' accountable for nonsense like interplanetary sex trafficking rings, cannibalism, suppressing unlimited 'zero point energy', and the periodic vanishing of the McRib, but they want the people they think are holding them back held accountable.

All I could think of is the cliche movie line:

That's all we really want, some accountability. Whether that means dragging Zinke in to testify about the hundreds of thousands of dollars he looted from the treasury, or the whisking away of sixty thousand Democrats, celebrities, and liberal boogeymen to be executed at Gitmo, the wish is really the same. Either way, 2019 is looking like it's going to be the year that accountability matters.


  1. I sincerely hope so old chum.

  2. We're not so different, you and I, Bastard. Except I think I've seen Langford more than you, and you have (maybe) seen Robyn Hitchcock more than I.....

  3. Just get the bloody tax returns and I'll be delighted!

    I don't know if any of them will EVER be held accountable for their actions - if I had to bet real money I'd say not a chance - but at least put the real facts and data out where the voters will have a chance to act on it.

    Trump is going to be in a desperate position in 2020. If he loses, he's at least SUBJECT to prosecution. So he's going to try very hard to contest the vote and stay in power - but he's pissed on the military and federal law enforcement so much that they'll gleefully go in the Oval Office and drag his fat orange ass out the door...

  4. "Zero point energy"? Is this a thing I need to worry about?

  5. with regard to accountability, and essential similarities between people, a line from shakespeare comes to mind -

    Use every man after his desert, and who should ’scape whipping?
