Tuesday, December 25, 2018

I'm Dreaming of Indict Christmas

Actually, I'm just joking about the political aspect... here's hoping that everybody had a good Christmas. I worked a double overnight shift because we are short-staffed and I took a full week off for Thanksgiving. I don't want to be 'that guy', the manager who takes all of the plum time off and leaves his subordinates holding the bag. It was a quiet night, and the predawn hours were positively glorious- the moon was a shade off full and Venus was a convincing Star of Bethlehem substitute in the southern sky.

When I got home from work, I sent out a text message to all of my siblings to wish them a merry Christmas. Everybody is doing well- Sweetums is hosting mom, Pickle is in Florida with the family spending time with her eldest who is with the USAF, Vin and family had just opened their presents, Gomez and the kids got a 'synthetic ice' floor so they can practice ice hockey in the garage year round. I then crawled into bed before noon and slept until six PM.

I figure the rest of the night is best spent vegging out- a brief listen to the news reveals that things are still the pits. I have friends to catch up with, so the shitshow can wait. Best wishes to all.


  1. best wishes of the season to all who read these words

    my puerto rican niece who has been working in panama several years will be marrying a panamanian in a few days, and although i am not attending the wedding, i am thinking of her

    on her facebook page she has a video she took of a jaguar and her cub crossing the road a few blocks from the apartment where she is moving to begin her married life - one of her friends posted the following comment - when pronounced properly it is humorous

    José Ponce Ríos Que le dijo un jaguar a otro jaguar?... jaguar you?

  2. You're not a bastard, you're a good boss and a nice guy.

    Have a great holiday and a peaceful new year.
