Friday, February 16, 2018

Meanwhile, on the Home Front

Days after the story of brave high school faculty members sacrificing themselves to protect their students, we have a local horror story- twin brothers, one of them a teacher, from the Bronx have been arrested in a bomb plot targeting children: “Under the full moon the small ones will know terror.”

To compound the horror of it all, the teacher, who had been caught having an affair with a fifteen year-old girl, had enlisted the aid of students in dismantling fireworks for bomb-making material. In the annals of bad teachers, I think this asshole is in the running for top dog.


  1. Well, yeah, sure, but you have to respect his effective utilization of available resources...

  2. If his ends hadn't have been so odious, he'd be CEO material.

  3. what most surprised me about the news story you linked to is that confectioner's sugar can be an ingredient in explosives
