Sunday, October 8, 2017

The Road to Hell

Being that I am in super-busy mode throughout October, I often pre-schedule my weekend posts. Appropriately, Atlas Obscura has been featuring some spooky posts for the month. I especially liked this cross-cultural feature about reputed entrances to the Underworld. It's an interesting read, and it sets up a great opportunity to post a video for the terrific Straight to Hell, by the Clash:

The song lent its title to a spaghetti-western parody by Alex Cox that I have never gotten around to watching. I know it's a self-consciously 'cult' film, but any film that features the late, great Joe Strummer and members of the Pogues has got to be of some interest to a bastard such as myself.


  1. Hey this is NYT©, we were wondering if you are still up for that tiger man gig?

  2. I dunno, man. Maybe you oughta at least find out what it pays....

  3. New York Times, eh? Two profile views... sounds legit.
