Monday, October 24, 2016

Peggy Tsunami

I'm catching up with current events after a long, busy weekend on the job and at my volunteer gig. The big story of the weekend is the wave of women voting early in battleground states, a wave of women voters which promises to swamp Donald J. Trump, asshole. Donald Trump is the asspotheosis of the creepy Republican misogynist- he's the sexually harassing boss, the leering peeping Tom, the groping sexual predator, the anti-choice authoritarian. Trump is everything that is wrong with toxic masculinity, and he's going to get schlonged in November.

This election is shaping up to resemble the movie Nine to Five, reimagined as a horror film. Luckily for the country, every woman of voting age in the country can play the role of final girl defeating Orangeface. The most rabid Trump supporters are whining that the 19th Amendment should be repealed, it's going to be nice to hear the lamentations of these troglodytes in two weeks and two days.

1 comment:

  1. I did early voting today.

    I almost always vote for alternative parties. I wanted to today. I was planning to vote for Jill Stein.

    But then, literally moments before I left to go vote, I saw a story about one of Trump's accusers.

    She had accused him of grabbing her. He called her a porn star and said, "Like she hasn't been grabbed before!"

    Donald Trump does not understand the concept of consent.

    I will regret voting for the Queen of Corporate Cronyism, I'm sure, but... I had to.

    It shouldn't be this close.
