Saturday, May 28, 2016

On Packing

I always tend to pack light, but this weekend is a bit of an exception- suit and tie for the big class dinner, ditto with the size 12 EEEE dress shoes. I also packed a half-gallon bottle of homemade limonaranciello and a half-gallon of a rum-based guava punch as contributions to the revelry.

Is there anything I forgot while packing?

Yeah, right, like you'd even want to spend a few hours in the car...

This post was pre-scheduled, I had thought that I'd posted this funny picture of Ginger before, but I can't seem to find it, even with Google image search.


  1. Once drove from S.F. to Seattle w/ the two family cats (bro & sis also) who were tranquilized for the journey. It was just as if they were drunk, they spent what time they were awake trying to fight each other.

  2. Cats know where the action is.

    I spent a very boring Friday night a few weeks ago setting pieces of paper towel all by themselves on the living room flooor. The point was to find out how small a piece of paper towel would have to be before the cat wouldn't choose to immediately walk over and lie down on it upon spotting it.

    It had to be basically the size of a dime.

    Cats know where the action is, although now that I'm reading this comment, I obviously don't.

  3. Max made the trip from NYC to Jekyll Island a couple times. He didn't like it, but he could deal.

  4. Ginger is in good company:

  5. size 12 EEEE dress shoes

    As a bonus, you're ready if any spontaneous water skiing opportunities pop up.

  6. Or an loss-of-slapstick emergency. "Is anyone here a clown?"

  7. but I can't seem to find it, even with Google image search.

    You want to find an image on the Interlattice, don't ask Goofle, ask me.
