Saturday, January 9, 2016


I had an errand that took me to downtown Yonkers, a place which doesn't have the best parking, so I took the bus across town. The bus travels through some economically disadvantaged areas (downtown's not so great, though there are luxury apartments on the waterfront). While traveling through a rough neighborhood, I spotted a sign which didn't exactly get my taste buds tingling:

Oh, yeah, budget meats! That's not exactly a ringing endorsement. I don't even know what this could mean... are the meats soon-to-expire? Are they from sub-par livestock? I'm not exactly sure what's going on here, and I'm not itching to find out. For the record, the store's sign also bears the cryptic message: HOME FREEZER SUPPLIERS. Are they selling freon or foodstuffs?


  1. I'd guess they're trying to sell you meat in volume at budget prices, so much meat you'll have to get a freezer. So maybe they get you on the Freon™, like Gillette gets you on the blades.

    I usually scope the clearance section in the meat dep't., which I jovially refer to as "used" meat.

  2. My approach to meat is to go for inexpensive cuts like heart or pork shoulder. Once in a blue moon, usually around Easter, when it's on sale, I'll spring for a leg of lamb (lamb and goat are my faves), but that's a rare treat.

  3. My favorite billboard on Hwy 99 here is for a barstool and dinette set retailer, the slogan they came up with is: "Come check out our stool samples!"

  4. Link's broken, but I sense "Sprockets".

    You got me!

    P.S. I have no problem with beef cuts that are on sale thanks to "sell by" date. Pork is another animal entirely, as the saying goes.

  5. Modern people crack me up. The human species somehow managed to survive, even thrive, without refrigeration for a quarter million years. I have been on hunts where we killed and gutted a pig or deer and didn't get it on ice for days - it only makes it better.

    Here's a clue - our nose is highly evolved to keep us alive. If it doesn't smell bad, it's good to eat. If it DOES smell bad, chances are there are portions of it - even more than half - that are fine. You can hang meat for weeks, months, even years. It dries out and preserves it. You have to cut off the mold and bacteria growth, but inside you have cured meat (salame) which is delicious.

    Don't think too much, you'll only hurt the ballclub...
