Saturday, January 23, 2016

Damn, Dusty's Dead

Late last night, I learned the tragic news that Dusty Taylor, of Leftwing Nutjob, is dead. The detective work was done by Zombie Rotten McDonald, who ascertained that Dusty was killed by her son... the details are particularly gruesome, as ZRM noted, something out of a lurid horror film. Dusty deserved better, she had allowed her son to move back in with her, and he betrayed her trust in the worst way, and for what? For a little bit of money.

Besides her website, Leftwing Nutjob, Dusty had a wonderfully unpolished and profane podcast, her self-described 'bitchfest' What Is Jerking My Chain this Week? Listening to these podcasts, it's evident that Dusty was the hardest working woman in podcasting, often working through the pain of a back injury unresolved by surgery. In this episode, Dusty namedrops both Thunder and ZRM. Before hosting her own podcast, Dusty was a contributor to the Here Be Monsters podcast- this episode was a particular treat, with shout-outs to ZRM and call-ins from vacuumslayer, Another Kiwi and M. Bouffant.

That's a sizable chunk of the bloggerhood represented right there in that audio clip... Dusty was an integral part of the group, even her arguments with mikey were legendary. To think that her wise, opinionated voice has been silenced forever is unspeakably tragic. It's been a rough day, and the eight inches of snow on the ground has nothing to do with it.

Dusty used to self-deprecatingly refer to herself as "Hell's most vocal bitch". I almost wish I were a believing man, so I could now call her "Heaven's most vocal bitch", but I just can't take comfort in that... I'm just mourning the fact that she'll be vocal no more. We really could use a vocal bitch like her these days.


  1. That was a nice tribute, B-4.

    I'm still reeling from the details of her violent passing.



  2. I'm still reeling from the details of her violent passing.

    Yeah, it's really something out of a horror film, or a bloody Shakespearean tragedy.

    Ahh that's terrible news.

    Yeah, I spent a good portion of the day in a funk, listening to her old podcasts. That's the best way to memorialize her.

  3. That's horrible. Some people try to do good for other people and somehow don't receive the same thing back.

    It sounds like she left quite the online legacy!

  4. That's horrible. Some people try to do good for other people and somehow don't receive the same thing back.

    That's the real tragedy here. There's nothing un-horrible about this. As far as her legacy goes, she left her mark in this section of the internet, I hope more people find her writings and podcasts.

  5. Full disclosure: I didn't do much in the way of sleuthing. One of Dusty's IRL friends did it and posted on Dusty's FB page, with links to the relevant news articles. I just brought it over to the blogside.

  6. Because I thought some of you would like to know....
