Saturday, July 18, 2015

Hungry Little Maws

While doing the typical walkabout on the job, I heard a high-pitched racket and found a tiny bird's nest full of noisy little chicks wedged in a box that houses an antiquated, unused security watchclock:

The video goes a little squirrelly at one point, but you can see the hungry little critters clamoring for food. In order to give an idea of the scale, I hovered my finger by the nest, but please note that I did not touch the tiny little things.

I didn't linger by the nest for long, not wanting to scare mom off. She's tiny, shy, and quick, so I didn't make a positive identification, but judging from her coloration I'd guess that she's an eastern phoebe (Sayornis phoebe). I shot this video while she was off on a foraging excursion.


  1. You are the American David Attenborough. Deer, now baby chicks looking forward to the next instalment.

  2. Woohoo!

    Now what you need is a camera Upgrayedd.

  3. You are the American David Attenborough. Deer, now baby chicks looking forward to the next instalment.


    Now what you need is a camera Upgrayedd.

    Yeah, we got a retroactive raise at work, it's probably time for it.
