Saturday, June 6, 2015

Fatal Narcissism

Talk about a story, the U.S. Air Force used a "selfie" by ISIS fighters to target a headquarters building. For all of the hyperventilation over the Da'esh douches, the "Caliphate's" foot soldiers are just a bunch of solipsistic social media junkies.

Given the fact that every single cell phone on the planet is a tracking device, why isn't the CIA becoming the biggest cell phone vendor in the Middle East? With a decent business plan, they could even turn a profit while fighting the prophet's most rabid followers.


  1. Kids today. Ego-Moroniacs. And doesn't the prophet forbid reproducing & disseminating images of humans? Huh?

    And while I laff & laff at all the sheep intently staring at their 'phones, the battery on my stylish nearly seven-yr. old flip-'phone barely holds a charge now, & I'll be on the bandwagon (at gun-point) soon enough.

  2. And while I laff & laff at all the sheep intently staring at their 'phones, the battery on my stylish nearly seven-yr. old flip-'phone barely holds a charge now, & I'll be on the bandwagon (at gun-point) soon enough.

    It happens, I joined the borg back in December of 2013. My old phone was about the same age as yours when it died.

  3. I have never joined the Borg, and your lack of faith is disturbing.
