Friday, June 12, 2015

Mulberry Efficiency Expert

Longtime readers of this blog will know that, every June, I go nuts when the local mulberries make their appearance. A couple of blocks from my house, there is a plethora of mulberry trees, so much that some dude tried to start a silk industry in the Bronx (PDF) last century. Well, the first ripe mulberries have made an appearance this week, and I have been grabbing the few, precious fructose-bombs I have encountered.

This year, though, I am prepared for "peak mulberry"... I bought a dropcloth so I can harvest hundreds of mulberries with little effort. Ripe mulberries will drop off the tree with the merest jostle- I plan on spreading the dropcloth under a likely tree and shaking the individual branches until the delicious mulberries drop down. I used to consider this approach less "sporting", but I think I can be greedy in this regard. I don't see too many other people taking advantage of the bounty that's right in front of them every June.

Now I need to get my hands on a "food grade" bucket with a lid. Luckily, there's a big foodservice outlet not too far from home and my principal mulberry patch (to be completely candid, I've staked out mulberry trees all over the county, from my home up to my workplace).


  1. Uh oh, he's going over the edge...GET THE NET!

  2. I dunno from food grade, but I'm a big fan of those big orange five gallon buckets you can get at Home Depot for a couple of bucks. They have a tight fitting lid and are an amazing value for the price. I have my earthquake survival kit packed in them - the idea being that they can hold water and serve as a toilet if the 'big one' wrecks all my shit - and I have a couple more for general household work. I don't think there's any reason why you couldn't carry/store your berries in one of those fellahs....

  3. Big Bads' Mulberry Wine? Put me down for a bottle.

  4. Uh oh, he's going over the edge...GET THE NET!

    Nah, better to get A BUCKET!!!

    I have my earthquake survival kit packed in them - the idea being that they can hold water and serve as a toilet if the 'big one' wrecks all my shit

    Thanks for the tip! I'm usually averse to shopping at Home Depot, because I abhor the CEO's politics, but I may have to suspend my purity. If the "big one" ever came, I'd just dig a trench to crap in, it might come handy for compost later. If I had to hunker down, I'd make sure that I had plenty of edible weeds nearby.

    Big Bads' Mulberry Wine? Put me down for a bottle.

    That's quite the vote of confidence, I've never done anything like this before.
