Friday, June 26, 2015

It's About Time, America!

As Joe Biden would put it, today's ruling by the Supreme Court is a Big Deal... namely, same-sex marriage is legal in all fifty states. Finally, our gay friends can get married without fearing legal problems if they relocate or travel. Congratulations, folks, you won a shot at equal treatment under the law, bigots get stuffed.

Predictably, the right-wing has had conniption fits over the ruling, as Roy and Tengrain have documented. Sorry, people, but cessation of your ability to impose your dogma on others is not oppression, so stop playing martyrs. It's comical to see the hyperbole and hyperventilation with which they have greeted this decision, Linda Harvey having one of the funniest lines:

“We need an Emancipation Proclamation now to free America from the tyranny of sodomy.”

In this case, I think she means an Eman-on-mancipation Proclamation, but I'd venture to say that, given the definition of sodomy, the average person is perfectly okay with the "tyranny of sodomy".

Of course, the craziest reaction to this ruling comes from the insane Bryan Fischer... once again, Tengrain is on the case. Here's Fischer himself, being completely insane and offensive:

Yeah, Bryan, keep on fantasizing about towers, ya perv, real people were killed that day, some of whom I knew, so you can get bent. Nobody's oppressing you, it's just your warped moral sense that's torturing you.

Meanwhile, on planet Earth, real people will have real protection. When same-sex marriage was legalized in New Jersey, a friend of mine, one of the nicest and most generous individuals I know, was able to marry his partner of thirty-four years. He and his husband are not getting any younger, and now they are protected under the law if they have to make hard decisions regarding healthcare. This is what the same-sex marriage debate is really about, it's not about baking stupid cakes, or as Roy reported NRO's David French writing, licentiousness:

This is the era of sexual liberty — the marriage of hedonism to meaning — and the establishment of a new civic religion. The black-robed priesthood has spoken. Will the church bow before their new masters?

The righties are the ones couching this in terms of hedonism and sodomy. The people whose marriages are now legal nationwide are thinking in terms of commitment and responsibility.


  1. This is the era of sexual liberty — the marriage of hedonism to meaning — and the establishment of a new civic religion.

    Silly bastards. Everyone knows that once you get married, you pretty much stop having sex.

    Except on special occasions. Or with somebody you're not married to....

  2. Except on special occasions. Or with somebody you're not married to....

    "This is the third 'birthday' you've claimed this year!"

  3. Rev. Fishsticks is hysterical.

    Twitter can take up all your time.
