Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Assholely Owned Subsidiary

It's nice when a bit of truth penetrates the media bubble, so I am really pleased that a college student told Jeb Bush to his face that his brother George created ISIS. I'm in total agreement, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Bush Maladministration- an assholely-owned subsidiary.

Who could have predicted that creating a bunch of heavily-armed, unemployed men who were now subject to a hated Shiite majority could have gone wrong? Who but every single individual outside of the maladministration's bubble and their media enablers?

It'll be interesting to see how Jeb Bush's campaign team will attempt to counter this sort of criticism. Even Chris Christie has hammered Bush 2.Big Zero on the Iraq War. It's going to be an ugly primary, and that a beautiful thing.


  1. I feel like I can't give any credit to the candidates who say they wouldn't go into Iraq after Jeb made his error--it's like they've seen the answer key, now. But Jeb Bush has really made the kind of mistake that has had me actually asking if he even wants to be president. He's had plenty of time and familiarity with the issue to have come up with a better answer than "I sure would go into Iraq," "I didn't understand the question," and "how dare you because troops died in that war"--which are three tries at the same point without really hitting the mark.

    (The various obvious responses to which are 1) Because you are too dense to come up with something better? 2) It's not a difficult or unexpected question for someone planning on holding the office of president, and 3) which is exactly the reason the question has to be answered, you yellow-bellied yutz.)

  2. But Jeb Bush has really made the kind of mistake that has had me actually asking if he even wants to be president.

    His brother sure stepped on his dick by being elected right out from under Jeb.

    I can't wait until the GOP primary heats up. I think they'll try to run an affable campaign, but one of them will go negative and it'll devolve into a shit-throwing contest.

  3. If Jeb was the smarter brother, he'd have run first. No question.

    The field is so crowded in the GOP primary that I think there might be blood coming out of the gate.

  4. He's had plenty of time and familiarity with the issue to have come up with a better answer

    Perhaps he was under the impression that the press would stick to the script and awkward questions would never arise.

    "how dare you [ask] because troops died in that war"

    Evidently it is sufficiently respectful to the troops to ask such questions as long as the answer is "They died -- along with Iraqis -- as extras for G.W.Bush's re-election advertisements".

  5. He ran a crooked election for his brother in 2000, that ought to completely disqualify him off the bat.
