Sunday, March 29, 2015

Poor Little Starvelings

When I got to work this afternoon, I was greeted with the piteous cries of hungry cats. Oh, for shame, look at these poor little starvelings:

I've heard that the guy who's supposed to feed them is a bastard.

Edit: They just about "mugged" me when I fed them this afternoon. They really didn't want to give me a chance to open up a can of food for them. They've been in a pretty giddy mood lately, probably because it's finally decent out temperature-wise and they're finally getting a chance to be outside. I totally empathize with my little furry buddies.


  1. Oh, the ribs a-stickin' out on those poor creatures!

  2. Oh, the ribs a-stickin' out on those poor creatures!

    I know, right? What kind of monster is supposed to be taking care of them?
